Outsourcing Projects

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Website design: Does it really affect the bottom line?

When startups and established businesses alike are looking to cut corners and save money, graphic design is usually at the top of their chopping block. But what these companies fail to realize is that good website design can literally mean the difference between being in the red or being in the black – it’s that crucial.

A website is often the first point of contact consumers have with a company. And just like in life, the first impression really does matter. Consciously or subconsciously, consumers take everything they see into account before deciding where to invest their dollars and their loyalty: colors, logo, layout, quality of images, ease of navigation, style, tone, etc. And then make logical and/or emotional assumptions based on what they see “This company’s website is just so-so quality. I don’t know if I can trust their products/services will be of quality too.” And if a company has consumers doubting, they’ve undoubtedly lost their business. Design matters to the bottom line.

A great example of a successful website redesign is the Pilates Studio Tiburon in Marin County. Their original website was not doing its part to bring in business and the branding was inconsistent with the actual studio space in terms of color, tone, messaging, etc. The new website needed to reflect the studio's supportive, community atmosphere, whimsical, serene, new-agey vibe, and, of course, the organic nature of Pilates. In working with them, I designed a simple, easy to navigate site, with custom illustration. The result is a design that is at once strong, organic, whimsical, and undeniably imaginative.

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