Outsourcing Projects

Monday, June 30, 2008

Moving to the Mobile Web

Thanks in no small part to the iPhone, the mobile Web is about to get a lot more crowded, and a lot more useful. The iPhone's interface has made it easier to read Web pages that were originally designed for desktop browsers. However, site owners who want to take the mobile Web a step further have found ways to improve the user experience in terms of both content and context.

Wait. Scroll. Scroll. Tap-tap. Wait. Wait. For many years, that was the typical experience of someone surfing the Web using a mobile phone or PDA, at least in the U.S. Although some content providers offered stripped-down versions of their sites specially designed for mobile users, most did not, and reading a page designed to be viewed on a PC on the small screen was about as much fun as sitting in a dark room reading a newspaper by flashlight.

Today, the mobile Web environment is in a period of rapid change, thanks in no small part to Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL) iPhone. From the phone's introduction in June, 2007, through March, 2008, 5.4 million iPhones have sold, and to date developers have created more than 17,000 sites or "Web applications" optimized for the device.

But this isn't a story about the iPhone, per se; it's a story about designing for the mobile Web. The iPhone was just a catalyst of sorts, bringing buzz, investors and new technology to the sector. As a result, the mobile Web design and customer experience bar has been raised.

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Web Designing Project - Re-Programming of Website

Looking to work on Web designing Project? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 86305149

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Re-Programming of Website

Estimated Budget : 100-500 USD


We are US based company looking for service provider for redesigning of website. We are looking for service provider who can re-programmed our site with media(mp3 and videos) to play in player and so as the site to play/load better on all platforms and browsers. The required format will be HTML and Flash for media browser. Our approximate budget is in between 100-500 USD will be paid by pay pal after the completion of the work. Interested service providers are requested to send their proposal as soon as possible.

Country :United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Web Design Tips

The difference between a good web designer and a great one is the ability to know how to take short cuts and save time without compromising the quality of work. Pixelsurgeon’s Jason Arber has put together 20 top tips and tricks you should be using to give your work that all-important professional edge.

1. Planning

When you’re itching to get started, it’s easy to overlook the most obvious step: planning. Whether it’s drawing wireframes and site diagrams in OmniGraffle or Visio, or even on a scrap of paper, you’ll save time by having an overview of your design at the site and page level before you start building. Obvious errors can be detected and solved before it’s too late to go back and it makes explaining your ideas to clients and colleagues a lot simpler than waving your hands in the air.

2. Do it by hand

Although there are some excellent tools around for building web sites, such as Adobe GoLive and Adobe (formerly Macromedia) Dreamweaver, professional code monkeys prefer to code by hand. Are they crazy masochists? Quite possibly.

There’s only one way to learn HTML, and that’s to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty with some actual code. But fear not: HTML has one of the easiest learning curves you’ll ever come across and you can create a basic web page with only a couple of lines. Writing code by hand also ensures that you write the leanest code possible, which is the ultimate aim of all HTML geeks.

Don’t throw out that copy of GoLive or Dreamweaver just yet. Both applications have excellent code writing environments, and have useful features, such as collapsable blocks of code and split views so you can code and see the results at the same time. If you want to try the code-only route, then any text editor that can save in the basic .txt format should do, but Mac users might want to check out Bare Bones Software’s BBEdit, and Windows users should give the freeware AceHTML editor from Visicome Media a whirl.

3. Stylesheets: importing vs linking

There are two ways to attach an external stylesheet to your HTML page, and not all browsers understand both methods. This can be used to your advantage to feed one stylesheet to modern browsers and another to Netscape 4.x, which would otherwise choke on more complex CSS.

Cascading stylesheets are designed to flow over each other. The secret is to create a simple stylesheet that works in Netscape 4, with more complex CSS relegated to an additional stylesheet that’s attached using @import, which Netscape 4.x will ignore:

4. Smarter gradient backgrounds

CSS gives you a lot of control and flexibility over the tiling of background images. And the great thing is that tiled images are not limited to the Body background but can also be applied to any DIV, block level or inline element.

Images that tile conventionally or just along the x or y axis can be set to scroll with the page or remain fixed while the rest of the page scrolls over it. Backgrounds can also be offset. This means that it’s easy to create a vertically graduated background that never repeats no matter how long the page is, using graphics that are only a few kilobytes in size.

Using the following code, the background.png file need only be as tall as the gradient and one pixel wide. This example assumes that the gradient fades into white, but the backgroundcolor attribute could be any value.

body { background-color: white; background-image: url(background.png); background-repeat: repeat-x; }

5. Commenting

When you come back to a site that you designed months ago, there’s nothing worse than trying to figure out what you did and attempting to untangle a spaghetti of code. Do yourself (and anyone else who wants to check out your code) a favour by putting comments in your HTML. Comments might add anything from a few bytes to a kilobyte or two to your page, but the time savings are invaluable.

Commenting also encourages you to keep your code tidy by breaking it into logical chunks. Some coders even use comments to create a table of contents for the page, which is only visible in code view.

Be aware that HTML and CSS use two different kinds of commenting, so you may want to learn the difference.

/* CSS comments are enclosed by a forward slash and an asterisk. */

6. Use simple PHP to build sites

There’s no need to become a PHP expert to start using it in your site. If your server supports PHP, you can quickly and easily use server side includes to build a library of commonly used elements, inserting them into your web page with a simple link. This is great for elements like menus, which can exist as a single instance, and means that if you add a new menu item or change the design, you just need to change the include file, which will then update the whole site.

Includes are simply snippets of HTML code such as a table or unordered list. The page calling the includes should end .php and the includes are inserted using the following simple code:

7. Set fonts using ems

Designers love specifying type sizes in pixels because it corresponds easily and naturally with what they do in Photoshop. But as a type size specification for the web, pixels have one major disadvantage: they can’t be resized in Internet Explorer. As monitor resolutions increase, it’s not only the visually impaired who may want to increase the font size in your design, so what’s the solution?

The answer is to specify type in ems. If you’re unfamiliar with the unit, an em is roughly the width of a lowercase em in a font, and using a browser’s default internal stylesheet, an em is roughly equivalent to 16 pixels. Set the font size attribute in the body tag to 62.5 per cent like this:

body { font-size: 62.5% }

This makes one em roughly ten pixels (16 x 62.5% = 10). Now you can equate pixel sizes to ems. For example, type that is set in 12 pixels could be expressed as 1.2em; 9 pixels becomes 0.9em and so on. What’s more, both the designer and user are happy.

8. IE Box Model Hack

Sooner or later you’ll come across an important bug in Internet Explorer that incorrectly calculates the width and height of block level items by including padding values within the box’s dimensions, rather than adding it outside the box. This can wreck layouts. The solution is known as the Box Model Hack, which uses another bug in IE to force it to use tags that other browsers ignore. If you have a div validly specified like this:

div {_ width: 100px;_ padding: 5px;_ border: 5px solid #fff;_ }

You’ll end up with a box that’s 120 pixels wide in most browsers, but only 100 pixels wide in IE. The easiest solutions is the box-within-a-box method, which places one div inside another:

div {_ width: 100px;_ }
div .hack {_ padding: 5px;_ border: 5px solid #fff;_ }

This is applied in the following way:

Your content goes here

9. Space saver

Nobody likes building forms in HTML, especially as browsers insist on adding padding around them for no reason. Simply add the following CSS to your stylesheet:

10. Test, test and test again

While Internet Explorer still dominates the browser market by a huge percentage, its lead is being gradually eroded by other browsers such as Firefox and Opera. There are also plenty of people out there still using archaic browsers like pre-Mozilla versions of Netscape.

It’s virtually impossible to design great-looking web sites that work in all browser versions, so it’s best to decide which browsers you’ll support. Mozilla-based browsers, WebKit-based browsers (such as Apple’s Safari), KHTML-based browsers (such as Konqueror), Opera and Internet Explorer versions four and higher are generally considered a safe benchmark. However, you should still be a good net citizen by ensuring that your code degrades gracefully, so that even unsupported browsers can experience your site – even in a limited form (see tip 14).

11. Format fundamentals

In the old days it used to be simple. If the image contained flat colours like a logo, use a GIF. If it was photographic, use a JPEG. There’s also an overlooked third format, PNG (pronounced ‘ping’) that comes in two flavours: an 8-bit version containing 256 colours, like GIFs, and a 24-bit version with alpha channel support allowing for variable transparency.

The bad news is that Internet Explorer doesn’t support PNG’s alpha channels without resorting to a complex hack. However, 8-bit PNGs generally compress much smaller than the equivalent GIF version. Unless you need animation, which PNGs can’t do, PNGs can replace GIFs in most situations, resulting in an overall file size saving.

JPEGs usually create smaller files than 24-bit PNGs, so unless you’re taking advantage of PNG’s alpha channel transparency using the hack then JPEGs are still the best format for continuous tone images.

12. The ‘title’ and ‘alt’ attributes

Ensure that all your images make use of the alt and title tags so that screen readers for the visually impaired can correctly parse your page:


13. The correct format for pseudo classes

For text rollover effects, it’s important that the pseudo classes are in the right order, or they won’t work correctly in all browsers. The correct order is:

a:link { color: blue; }
a:visited { color: purple; }
a:hover { color: purple; }
a:active { color: red; }

14. Use semantic mark-up

The idea behind semantic mark-up is to separate the content of your web site from its appearance so that it degrades gracefully. Ideally, if you were to remove the stylesheets, your web site should still work. It might not look pretty, but it means that users with older browsers, will still be able to get meaningful content from your site.

The positioning, styling and a certain amount of interactivity can then be added with stylesheets and CSS-P.

15. Favicons

Favicons are the little 16x16 pixel icons that appear in your favourites lists and the title bars of web sites. They’re quick and easy to add: save a graphic in .ico format (Mac users may want to consider using Graphic Converter as Photoshop doesn’t support this format) and put it in your site’s root folder. It’s as simple as that.

16. Change capitalisation using CSS

If you need something written in capitals, such as a headline, rather than rewriting the copy, let CSS do the donkey work. The following code will transform all text with an h1 attribute into all capitals, regardless of format.

h1 { text-transform: uppercase; }

17. Wrapping text around images

For a quick and dirty way of wrapping text around images, use the image’s align attribute to push it to the left or right. Rather than jump below the image, text should now flow along the edge.

18. Universal character sets

Character sets are an important part of a web page’s definition, but they’re probably the least understood component. Character sets, which are defined in a web page’s invisible head section, tell the browser what method is being used to encode the characters. A charset ISO Latin 1 (also known as ISO 8859-1) will render the code it finds using a basic Western alphabet, but a charset of Shift JIS will attempt to render any characters it finds as Japanese.

With so many competing character sets, problems can occur, especially when using the MS Windows character set (which contains certain characters that may be replaced by a blank space on other operating systems) or when several languages need to appear on a single page.

The answer is to use a single universal character set that’s able to cover most eventualities. Luckily one exists: UTF-8, which is based on Unicode. Unicode is an industry standard that’s designed to enable text and symbols from all languages to be consistently represented and manipulated by computers. UTF- 8 is rapidly becoming the charset definition of choice, and should be included in your web page’s head like this:

19. Print styles

When people print web pages, often they’re not interested in your flashy graphics: they just want a simplified version of the page. Using CSS it’s possible to create a separate stylesheet that only affects printed versions of your site, rather than having to create a new HTML page or adapt an existing one. You add a print stylesheet in exactly the same way that you would add a regular stylesheet to your page:


This ensures that the CSS will only apply to printed output and not affect how the page looks on screen. With your new printed stylesheet you can ensure you have solid black text on a white background and remove extraneous features to maximise readability.

20. Learn from others

Finally, a quick and simple tip: learn from great sites built by others. Any site’s HTML is easily accessible by viewing a page’s source code. See how others have done things and apply their methods to your own work.

Source : http://www.netmag.co.uk/

Friday, June 27, 2008

Go Daddy 30 Million Domains!

Go Daddy.com, leading provider of webhosting and domain registrations, has announced that it has just reached a major milestone, 30 Million domains.

This Internet-first reflects thriving conditions on the Web and at GoDaddy.com.

While reports of a wavering economy and surging oil prices dominate the news, Go Daddy’s business is booming. Why? More and more people and businesses are moving to establish their own space on the Internet.

Right now, Go Daddy is registering, renewing and transferring names used for Web site addresses to the tune of about one every second of every day. This flies in the face of critics who, years ago, suggested the surge to register domain names was all but over.

Go Daddy is also racking up substantial e-commerce numbers, which align with industry analyst predictions. Forrester Research forecasts online spending in 2008 will increase by 17 percent. Go Daddy expects even higher numbers. The Web leader’s Quick Shopping Cart is a key e-commerce tool because it makes setting up an online store easy and affordable. Projections, based on recent months, indicate a 72 percent increase this year over last, in terms of revenue generated by customers with Quick Shopping Cart enabled Web sites.

“These numbers really demonstrate how the Internet is alive and well, even in these rough financial times,” said Go Daddy CEO and Founder Bob Parsons. “We knew from the start… helping make it easy and affordable for people to get online would make a difference. That’s why we developed products our customers wanted, priced them right and then backed them up with personal customer service... and, well the rest is history.”

Ironically, the 30 millionth domain name, RulesOfSaving.com, could be viewed as a sign of times, as far as the struggling U.S. economy or as a nod to Go Daddy’s low price points. While many registrars charge more than Go Daddy, some have even raised prices in recent days.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Web Design: Tips on Using Color

Of all the choices you make when designing a Web site, one of the most important is the colors you use. Without reading anything on a Web site, simply seeing the colors it uses can tell you a lot about its products and the company behind it.

That is, of course, provided the designers chose colors that would deliver the right message to the site's visitors. In this article I'll talk about color, how to use the color wheel to find color combinations, and I'll introduce you to some tools that can help you choose colors for your Web site.

Back to Grade School

When you were at school you learned that the three primary colors were red, blue and yellow. When you mix these primary colors together, you get what are called secondary colors — mix red and yellow to make orange, mix red and blue to make purple and mix blue and yellow to make green.

Mixing the secondary colors gives you tertiary colors which are yellow-orange, yellow-green, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet and blue-green. The name of each tertiary color is derived from the colors that are mixed to make it, with the primary color first.

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Web Designing Tender - Municipal Website Designing

Looking to work on Web designing Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 10987335

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Municipal Website Designing

Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposals


We are Canada based organization. We are looking to develop a Municipal Website and invites Proposals from well established and experienced Website Consultants.

Our Vision: a website which can significantly improve communication between us and our many clients. The site must be visually attractive and easy to navigate. It must provide - at the onset - a moderate, yet comprehensive, collection of information about municipal services, functions and regulations. The site must be readily expandable to accommodate more information as municipal and client needs evolve. The site must provide for limited two-way communication in a safe and secure environment.

Service providers with great ideas and proposals are requested to contact us for more details via e-mail on or before 10 July 2008 by 14:00 (Pacific Time). Payment terms are negotiable.

Country : Canada

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Create a Personal Website

Personal Web Pages Guide Linda Roeder has a 10 step tutorial on creating a basic personal website. You may have heard or read that designing for the Web is different from designing for print. It is. But there are similarities. If you're considering expanding into professional Web design from a print background -- many print designer already have but others may be holding back -- one way to get started is by designing your own personal Web site.

Looking at Linda's steps it's easy to see the relationship between Web design and print design. For instance, some of the steps:

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Web Designing Project - Development of Business Website

Looking to work on Web designing Project? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 53084602

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Development of Business Website

Estimated Budget : upto 500 USD


We are Philippines based looking for designers (Only from Philippines) for our website development requirement .We need to develop a new site for our new shop for advertisement and Marketing of our products and services, we are looking for aesthetics and good layout; moreover we will provide content of the website. The website needs to be developed in HTML or any other best technology suggested by the service providers (review the attachment for more details). The approximate budget for the project is less than 500 USD which will be paid after the completion of the work. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their quotes and profile.

Note: We prefer first contact only via email

Country :Philippines

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Microsoft, HP ship free tools to protect Web sites from hackers

Three tools help sites ward off growing SQL injection attacks

Microsoft Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. on Tuesday unveiled free tools to help Web developers and site administrators defend against the rapidly growing number of SQL injection attacks that aim to hijack legitimate sites.

"We released two new tools, and HP has released one, to help administrators discover flaws so that they can mitigate attacks," said Mark Miller, director of Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing product management.

The move is in response to a major upswing during the first six months of 2008 in the number of attacks targeting legitimate sites. Most of the hacks have used SQL injection attacks, and have compromised significant sites including ones operated by government agencies, the United Nations and major corporations.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Tips for proper web design

This is the number 1 tip that every web designer should follow. You might design a web site that looks fantastic but few people are going to see it if it takes a long time to load. Your designs should be optimized for the web and should not take more than 15 seconds to load. Remember, you might have a great design but very few people are going to see it if it takes a long time to load. Click here to for 10 tips to fast-loading web pages.

There's only one way to learn HTML, and that's to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty with some actual code. But fear not: HTML has one of the easiest learning curves you?ll ever come across and you can create a basic web page with only a couple of lines. Writing code by hand also ensures that you write the leanest code possible, which is the ultimate aim of all HTML geeks.

The placement of the navigation buttons or links of a website are usually placed in one of 3 different areas of the page. Across the top of each page or down the left or right side. Regardless of where you choose to put them try to keep the text on the buttons or in the links as short as possible. Anything longer than one or two words will cause that part of your layout to be too wide and crowd your content area.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

How to Design a CSS Web Site for Both Firefox and Internet Explorer

Designing for IE - Design for Firefox First

Tips and Tricks to Get Your Site Looking Right in Both Browsers

Designing Web pages is challenging enough without having to build pages that work on every possible combination of Web browser and operating system in existence. So many Web designers choose to take the easy route and design just for the most popular browser, which is IE 6 right now.

But if you're going to focus your site on IE 6 you'll be causing some problems for yourself:

  • When IE 7 comes out, your site will need to be redesigned.
  • People who use other browsers won't get a good experience.
  • If new browsers come out and gain popularity, chances are your site won't be able to support them.
Standards-Based Web Design Is Best

If you design for Web standards then your Web site will be functional with every browser that supports those standards. And even long into the future, your site will stay functional.

But Internet Explorer 6 and 5 are not standards compliant. So what do you do? The common response is to design just for them and then try to force your site to look okay in standards compliant browsers like Firefox, Safari and Opera. But this is both backwards and difficult.

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How to Design a CSS Web Site for Both Firefox and Internet Explorer

Designing for IE - Design for Firefox First

Tips and Tricks to Get Your Site Looking Right in Both Browsers

Designing Web pages is challenging enough without having to build pages that work on every possible combination of Web browser and operating system in existence. So many Web designers choose to take the easy route and design just for the most popular browser, which is IE 6 right now.

But if you're going to focus your site on IE 6 you'll be causing some problems for yourself:

  • When IE 7 comes out, your site will need to be redesigned.
  • People who use other browsers won't get a good experience.
  • If new browsers come out and gain popularity, chances are your site won't be able to support them.
Standards-Based Web Design Is Best

If you design for Web standards then your Web site will be functional with every browser that supports those standards. And even long into the future, your site will stay functional.

But Internet Explorer 6 and 5 are not standards compliant. So what do you do? The common response is to design just for them and then try to force your site to look okay in standards compliant browsers like Firefox, Safari and Opera. But this is both backwards and difficult.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

How to Design My Web Site With CSS

Web design has come a long way in the past few years, and the good old standby of tables is no longer the accepted way to layout a web site. Though the look is still desired, browsers are more often not reading tables--or worse--they are reading them incorrectly. It is better to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Almost any web site can be adapted to the 3 column site, which is the one we lay out in this article. You can then add a navigation bar and other items simply by defining them and their placement on the page. Read on to learn how to lay out a 3 column page in CSS.
  1. Open a text editor document and save it as mystyle.css.

  2. Set the margin and padding of the body element with the following code. Because some browsers do not default to zero, they must be physically set. Color must also be set for the same basic reason that not all browsers default to white. What follows is the CSS code for the beginning of the page: html,body{margin:0;padding:0;background:#FFF}.

  3. Next, set the size for the body text. The code for this example is: body{font: 76% arial,sans-serif}.

  4. The next command sets the paragraph margin: p{margin:0 10px 10px}.

  5. The next command will give the page its container or main section, inside of which you put all of the other pieces of your page.This example uses the following code: div#container{width:1024px;height:1800px;margin:0 auto}.

  6. On the left hand side of the navigation bar, add a division. The code is as follows: div#navigation{float:left;width:250px;height:100%}.

  7. Now let's define the content section of the page. This is the middle section of the page where you add your main content: div#content{float:left;width:700px;height:1500px}.

  8. For the right hand column, you add code similar to this: div#extra{float:right;width:250px;height:1500px}.

  9. Adding headers and footers are handled in the same manner. The footer code for this page would be div#footer{clear:all;width:1020px;height:300px}. Add a header to the page that allows for your logo. The code for this header is: div#header h1{height:80px;line-height:80px;margin:0;
    padding-left:10px;background: #EEE;color: #79B30B}.

  10. Within the CSS file you should also define your header fonts. They are denoted as h1{color:#ff0000;height:80px;line-height:80px;}; h2 through h6 can also be defined (this code defines the color as well as the height of the font).

  11. Save this document and reference it in your html document to pull the styles into your website.
Tips & Warnings
  • CSS will make changing things such as colors and fonts on all pages easy and quick.

  • If you are working with a purchased template, you will have been furnished with a style sheet that you can modify.

  • All code above is sample code. Modify the code to fit your unique web site dimensions. That is, things such as colors, heights and widths will be different based on your own preferences.

  • If you are modifying a style sheet versus building from scratch, make a backup copy of the original before editing
Source : http://www.ehow.com/

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Basic Rules on Page Layout and Color

For one to be able to stand out from the rest, one needs to go out of the box, break the rules, and some other clich้s that apply to breaking out from the traditional. But before breaking any rule, you have to understand first the basic and foundation of the rule itself.

First off, let's talk about page layout.
The Rule – Too much boxes is bad for your health.

One designer said that a mark of a designer is when he or she starts to use boxes and rules in his or her pages. When you look at your page and realize the need to make something attractive and creative out of the boring stuff you've just made, and then decide to throw around a box or two or place rules between columns, then that's the time when your creativity is getting out from confinement.

Before using all the box there is in your software, just remember to do it in moderation. Anything in excess is a bad thing. Sure, boxes and rules are a good way to highlight important information. But if you're going to do it in all your pages, or put virtually everything in a box, then nothing will stand out from the crowd.
The Rule – Do not divide the page in halves.

The best way to infuse excitement and innovation in your documents is to divide the page into thirds. Afterwards, place the most important objects like the headings, photos, and visuals, at the top or bottom third.

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Web 2.0: Too Smart by a Half?

Ah, yes, it’s time to update your blog, check your tweets on Twitter, update your LinkedIn connections, and Web 2.0-ify your life. Or maybe you’re feeling pressured to 2.0-ify your company?

As businesses rush to follow Web 2.0 ephemera, what effect are applications having on people and their ability to just get stuff done? Does the mere fact that a widget exists mean that a user experience is somehow better?

Many innovations come through in Web 2.0 implementations. Users are presented with a wide variety of controllable, malleable, formable experiences. Lightweight engineering solutions break the stranglehold of ponderous approaches that have stifled innovation.

And yet…what is the impact of so many choices? Will the Web 2.0 generation’s epitaph be, “They died with their options open?” When is too much choice too much? In addition, a rush to add the coolest glows and shapes and transitions might win over marketing suits but lose users.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Search Engine Friendly Pages

There is no point in building a website unless there are visitors coming in. A major source of traffic for most sites on the Internet is search engines like Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Altavista and so on. Hence, by designing a search engine friendly site, you will be able to rank easily in search engines and obtain more visitors.

Major search engines use programs called crawlers or robots to index websites to list on their search result pages. They follow links to a page, reads the content of the page and record it in their own database, pulling up the listing as people search for it.

If you want to make your site indexed easily, you should avoid using frames on your website. Frames will only confuse search engine robots and they might even abandon your site because of that. Moreover, frames make it difficult for users to bookmark a specific page on your site without using long, complicated scripts.

Do not present important information in Flash movies or in images. Search engine robots can only read text on your source code so if you present important words in Flash movies and images rather than textual form, your search engine ranking will be affected dramatically.

Use meta tags accordingly on each and every page of your site so that search engine robots know at first glance what that particular page is about and whether or not to index it. By using meta tags, you are making the search engine robot's job easier so they will crawl and index your site more frequently.

Stop using wrong HTML tags like to style your page. Use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) instead because they are more effective and efficient. By using CSS, you can eliminate redundant HTML tags and make your pages much lighter and faster to load.

Source : http://www.selfseo.com/

Monday, June 16, 2008

Is really mexican web hosting a good choice for companies?

Mexican Web hosting companies are growing fast for their good prices and overall for the good quality in attention they offer, this article is a overview of the actual situation.

Benefits of buying Web Hosting in Mexico

Web Hosting is also called Hospedaje Web in spanish, many companies around the world offer web hosting, the industry behind hosting have grown a big way in the past years, and the reason is simple: every web page that is designed in the world needs a web host, you can imagine now how a good bussines is to sale web page hosting. There are other companies thats offer free web page hosting and they obtain utilities by inserting publicity in the web pages they host.

Most of the web hosting providers are located in USA or other countrys around the world, they give reasonable prices but they offer bad customer support, this is because big hosting providers do not have personalized support and they use an automatized structure of bussines.

Small web hosting providers, in the other hand, can offer the same reasonable prices but a much personalized support because they can know who you are and how many email accounts you manage, etc. so this give this medium-small companies a wide range of customers that need better fast response.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Web application security: Don't bolt it on; build it in

In light of breaches in Web application security worldwide, the importance of catching potential areas for intrusion is necessary at the beginning. Performing application vulnerability testing during production (and not after a breach has been detected) can save a company thousands of dollars. The only way to ensure the highest level of security is to build it in from the outset.

How secure are your Web applications? Unless you conduct application vulnerability testing throughout the lifespan of your applications, there's no way for you to know about your web application security. That's not good news for your security or regulatory compliance efforts.
Companies make significant investments to develop high-performance Web applications so customers can do business whenever and wherever they choose. While convenient, this 24-7 access also invites criminal hackers who seek a potential windfall by exploiting those very same highly available corporate applications.

The only way to succeed against Web application attacks is to build secure and sustainable applications from the start. Yet, many businesses find they have more Web applications and vulnerabilities than security professionals to test and remedy them - especially when application vulnerability testing doesn't occur until after an application has been sent to production. This leads to applications being very susceptible to attack and increases the unacceptable risk of applications failing regulatory audits. In fact, many forget that compliance mandates like Sarbanes-Oxley, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Gramm-Leach-Bliley, and European Union privacy regulations, all require demonstrable, verifiable security, especially where most of today's risk exists - at the Web application level.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

W3C Tackles Web Typography with CSS 3

Whether it’s the Web API Working Group publishing a Working Draft of “Progress Events 1.0 or the CSS Working Group defining the syntax for using namespaces in CSS, have no doubt that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has been hard at work trying to keep our dear web world in line.

About a month ago in an attempt to finalize the standards for the features of CSS 3 — the third version of Cascading Style Sheets — Jason Cranford Teague, a member of the W3C CSS Working Group and perhaps most notably the Director of Web Design for AOL Global Programming, posted an article on his blog covering the specifications for CSS Fonts and CSS Web Fonts and in the same quill stroke called for input from the design community.

The Difference: CSS Fonts vs. CSS Web Fonts

According to Teague, the difference between the two is as :

CSS Fonts

The CSS Fonts module defines how type is displayed on the page — which font is used, its size, and how it is styled (bold, italics, small-caps, etc). Font styles effect how the individual glyphs (what’s a glyph?) are displayed whereas text styles, such as underline, are applied evenly across all glyphs.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reality Check for Web Design

"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, recognized that universal access is a critical element of good design.

The Web's landscape has altered dramatically since its inception, when many websites completely ignored users with disabilities.

"Most project managers assumed that blind people could not use the Web anyway, so therefore they also could not use the specific website that was being developed," said Web usability guru Jakob Nielsen.

"We have now eradicated this misunderstanding, and most Internet managers do know that they have to care about users with disabilities."

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The 10 Worst Web Sites of 2007

The year 2007 was among the worst ever for web design. Most of the sites look like the designer never read (or ignored) my article Does Your Web Site Suck? Checklist #1 — 149 Mortal Sins That Will Send Your Site to Web Design Hell.

Most of the sites featured on Web Pages That Suck also committed one or more of the Biggest Mistakes in Web Design 1995-2015 including the following:
  1. We've designed our site to meet our organization's needs (more sales/ contributions) rather than meeting the needs of our visitors.
  2. It takes longer than four seconds for the man from Mars to understand what our site is about.
  3. Our site looks like we've never seen another web site.
  4. We use design elements that get in the way of our visitors.
  5. Our site doesn't make us look like credible professionals.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

11 phenomenal tips for web designers when they deals with website design

Having a brilliant website is a colossal advantage of any small scale company for promoting their business into the internet. Any kind of small business can make a great profit from having their professional website design. Accruing an affordable website you can also lead yourself to reach new global market with an enormous number of unique viewers.

At that moment your site is visible into the internet, from then you don’t need to lead your business into your local marketplace. If some body eyeing for something related to your business and if the web designing part done smartly then that can easily catch the concentration of that visitor and in that way your business gets the potential to be viewed by thousands of global viewers.

Various customer requests can be effortlessly accrued directly through a creative website design (http://www.vnsinfo.com.au/). Through numerous kinds of online forms into your page users can easily order their required product or service. A well decorated website can produce the confidence to its owner and it also creates the business look larger than its genuine volume.

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11 phenomenal tips for web designers when they deals with website design

Having a brilliant website is a colossal advantage of any small scale company for promoting their business into the internet. Any kind of small business can make a great profit from having their professional website design. Accruing an affordable website you can also lead yourself to reach new global market with an enormous number of unique viewers.

At that moment your site is visible into the internet, from then you don’t need to lead your business into your local marketplace. If some body eyeing for something related to your business and if the web designing part done smartly then that can easily catch the concentration of that visitor and in that way your business gets the potential to be viewed by thousands of global viewers.

Various customer requests can be effortlessly accrued directly through a creative website design (http://www.vnsinfo.com.au/). Through numerous kinds of online forms into your page users can easily order their required product or service. A well decorated website can produce the confidence to its owner and it also creates the business look larger than its genuine volume.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Importance of Content in Web Designing

Content available on a web page is nothing but the information or products, which you want your visitor to come and see or purchase the products and any images that is been used to assist that objective.

Written information is one best way and is very easier to read for visitor when it is broken up into short, concise paragraphs. You further need to do your best to use high-class grammar and spelling. Run your information by using spellchecker in a word document before your page is uploaded. You don’t need to retype all, just use your right mouse button for copy and paste.

Any time you willing to use images or graphics in or around your content information or products descriptions try to use as small images as possible.

Also, refrain from using too many images on any one page because both larges images and too many would considerably slow down the loading time for the web page. You need to remember that your visitor would only wait for about 30 –40 seconds for a page to load before they become impatient and goes for another search.

Using image resize tool for uploaded images is a good idea to resize bigger or smaller images. These tools are adequate for most resizing requirements; however, extreme resizing from very large to very small image or vice versa could be a bad idea because it may result in loss of some detail in the image. One can obtain better result if you resize them first using a quality image-editing program on your computer and then go for uploading your websites.

It is good idea to break up your products into various groups within your catalog to help your pages from being affected by too many images. Even if you sell only one type of products but you have 50 variations of it, you could still use multiple pages by organizing them into categories; for example “Product Name 1”, “Product Name 2” etc.

Lastly, there are various things you could add to your website to spark it up. Things like banners, flashing or graphics, animations or colored text, etc. There’s a saying when it comes to web designing world that is, “Just because you could add something, it doesn’t mean that you should.”

Remember as you choose items to put on your site and it would in-turn help you to keep your website looking professional.

About Author

Usha Rani is a Copywriter of www.atomic55.net . She written many articles in various topics.For more information visit: http://www.atomic55.net . contact her at atomic55.net1@gmail.com.

Source : http://www.1888articles.com/

How To Design A Good Website? Few Tips

  • Your Web site should be well organized -- Create an outline before beginning the design process.
  • Every graphic on a web page should be necessary -- Each graphic should relate to the text on that page, to the message being communicated, and to the audience.
  • Background color should be easy on the eyes -- Some colors hurt the eyes and visitors to your site will leave quickly.
  • Colored text should contrast with the background so that it is readable -- Don't lose sight of the fact that text on a page should be able to be read.
  • Do not center all text on a page -- A large amount of centered text is difficult to read.
  • Keep your copy short -- People don't have the time or patience to read large amounts of text from a computer monitor
  • Keep width of text to about five inches -- Wide columns of text are difficult to read.
  • If using audio files, or movies, give viewers a choice whether or not to use them.
  • Don't use blue for regular text color -- Blue usually denotes links and can confuse the reader.
  • Don't underline text for emphasis -- Underlined text usually signifies a link.
  • Use motion sparingly! -- Motion should only be used when necessary to convey a message!
  • Check readability of text -- Cut it and paste it into a Word document. Check for grammar and spelling.
  • Always ask WHY you are putting certain information on the web -- Keep information short and sweet. If you want to give your viewers more information, create a pdf file for them to download.
  • Always have contact information on your site -- Put your e-mail address, phone if necessary in a prominent location on your site.
  • Use links to other sites that are relevant to yours -- You don't have to reinvent the wheel. There is a lot of information on the web that is relevant and can be helpful to visitors to your site.
  • Include the webmaster's e-mail address on the contact page -- Viewers can report missing links or other problems. Nothing is more frustrating than links that don't work.
  • Make sure your site is accessible to everyone regardless of the browser they are using -- There are no standards-no common denominators for the internet yet. Viewers have different equipment--modems with low baud speeds. Keep this in mind when including graphics and some of the bells and whistles you would like to use.
  • Do not forget that your web site can be viewed by anyone, anywhere -- If you are trying to reach a global audience make sure your graphics can be translated and understood internationally.
  • Check out your site on different browsers -- Colors will look different on a Mac than a PC.
  • Look at other sites -- you can get ideas for your site: good design, good navigation, graphics by looking at other sites.
Source : http://www.graphic-design.com/

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Quick tips for Web application Security

A traditional firewall is commonly employed to restrict Web site access to Ports 80 and 443, used for HTTP and Secure Sockets Layer communications, respectively. However, such a device does very little to deter attacks that come over these connections. URL query string manipulations including SQL injection, modification of cookie values, tampering of form field data, malformed requests and a variety of other nasty tricks are often given free passage on allowed, legitimate traffic.

A Web application firewall, such as those reviewed in this issue (see review) might help address security holes in Web servers and Web applications, but there is certainly a great deal that network security professional could and should do before and after employing such measures.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Google outlines Web development investments in three areas

Web 'is the only platform we've known,' says Google's chief of engineering

To encourage the creation of more Web-based applications during the next several years, Google Inc. will invest in three key areas for developers, including opening up its servers to host their applications, encouraging pervasive connectivity to the Web, and making the browser more powerful, said Vic Gundotra, Google's vice president of engineering, who gave the opening keynote speech at this year's Google Developer Conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

"Google was born in the era of the Web," Gundotra said. "It's the only platform we've known. It was a platform that was formed by consensus. It was all of us collectively that agreed to a few standards. We feel a debt of gratitude toward that community."

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Increase Your Web Design Business Revenue & Customer Loyalty Reselling Hosting

Web designers and developers are the heart and soul of the Internet. As a web designer or web developer you can make a solid, growing income on the Internet. The secret to making money with your design and development skills is to include hosting in your design or development quotes.

You can make up to $50 per month per site, hosting your client sites. And this is much easier than you think. You don’t need a dedicated server and you don’t need to worry about competing with hosting companies. Most people think about just getting a web site up, and the first people they think of is web designers. Terms with “web designer”get more searches per day than terms with “hosting”. People are looking for web designers to get their sites on the Internet.

Web designers and developers can incorporate the sale of hosting into their web development and design projects. As a web designer you can bill your customers for the hosting fees within the design and then host the account for a year or on a month to month basis. You will be surprised at how much extra income you can generate from your web design customers.

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

'Understanding' needed for web design

Business broadband users should carefully consider web design in light of new developments in the industry, according to expert Julie Howell.

Ms Howell, director of accessibility at Fortune Cookie, explained that the use of automated authoring software meant that internet users could design attractive sites without real understanding, which could limit access for some viewers.

"Towards the late nineties, a couple of things happened: the web started to become not just more graphical, but there was a real slip in the way that websites were designed," she commented.

She added that not understanding html could mean that blind people will not be able to use the site in conjunction with other software, which could interest enterprising broadband customers.

The World Wide Consortium has noted that flexibility is necessary in site design to cater for differing needs, such as the assistive technologies used by consumers with disabilities.

Source : http://www.broadband-finder.co.uk/