Outsourcing Projects

Friday, October 2, 2009

Seven key ingredients of effective business/non-profit websites

In today’s Internet-connected world, an organization’s online presence is in many ways even more important than their physical presence. There’s no denying the importance of a physical office to an organization in providing a place to meet, conduct business, and conveying an image. The scope of the physical office is, obviously, limited to those who drive by or enter the premises.

An online presence is generally available for everyone to see. The audience is wider and the attention span is shorter when dealing with an online audience.
In order to attract and maintain interest of customers, employees, and stakeholders and organization such as a business or non-profit organization must have an effective website. While website design is somewhat subjective, the key ingredients of an effective website are not. How well does your organization’s website measure up to the following?

• Attractive design – although general web design is subjective, a special web design prepared for your specific target audience is not. A website owner must understand their target audience and prepare a visual design that’s compelling and draws in interest.

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