Outsourcing Projects

Friday, July 31, 2009

Web Design Project - Add-ons needed for website

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 18192886

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Add-ons needed for website

Estimated Budget : Upto 750 USD

Description :

We are an USA based company looking for qualified Software experts for our Database compiler requirement. We have a website and we are looking for experts who can add some features to it. We want a database compiler and a email blaster added to our website. This database will be for consumers and others to seek information on people they can target for advertising purposes print out labels or .csv reports for fax or email blasting. Alternatively, a farmer or exporter can contact importers to do business with one another as well such as if I as a Import Distributor want to contact a Export Farm for specific items like Corals or any keyword I may enter in my search for a fee. PayPal to be hooked up for this purpose. Our estimated budget is upto 750 USD and will be paid via PayPal after the work is completed. Interested experts are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profiles.

Country : United States

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - Maintenance and Support for CMS based Website

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 99061592

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Maintenance and Support for CMS based Website

Estimated Budget : Looking for Proposals


We are Germany based one of the leading non-profit organizations (United Nations) located world-wide looking for qualified and expert service provider for our requirement of maintenance and support for Content Management System (CMS) based website. Contract will be for 3 years.
Scope of Service:
A) Service provider may needs to develop modules to make our website more useful.
C) Service provider needs to integrate external modules or website into our current website.
B) Our current Website is in PHP language.
C) Service provider needs to provide support to add content in our current website as needed.
D) Detailed specifications will be provided as part of the Request for Proposal, which will be issued after the closing date of this request for EOI.

We are looking for best proposals and payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to submit EOI on or before August 12, 2009 via FAX Only. This tender is Global and Offsite. Providers may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible.

Country : Germany

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Usable Mobile Web Design- Getting It Right

As the Internet ages, both the frequency and types of interaction we have with it continue to grow and develop.

One area in which the Internet is currently growing rapidly is mobile computing. This is being fuelled by a raft of low cost and high powered mobile technologies. Laptops, iPhones and other smartphones are allowing us to stay connected whenever and wherever. But coming up with a winning formula for mobile web sites requires a new approach. So how can businesses design usable and accessible mobile web sites?

The Environment

Consider the environment of a mobile web user. When people use the Internet on a computer or laptop, they are likely to be using a large screen, and generally experience few interruptions. It fills their world, they get sucked in. But mobile web is a different story. People use their mobile phones in environments that are filled with distractions: walking down the street, or waiting for a bus, for example. In these environments, services that require complex interactions fail. They need to finish using the site before they walk into the next lamp post. One user I spoke to summed it up perfectly: 'it has to fit in the cracks in my life'.

Do less, get more

Mobile web gives the promise of immediate access to information and entertainment, so users will be looking to accomplish specific, time sensitive goals. So, when creating a site for mobile, focus only on offering the features that will enable users to accomplish these goals; they don't want to be bothered with lots of insignificant or irrelevant information, questions or images. Design bite-sized, focused experiences; take a risk and focus only on the most important elements of the site.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Web Design Project - Website Improvement Requirement

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 65245276

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Search Engine Development for Restaurants (With 25% Advance Payment)

Estimated Budget : 5000 USD

Description :

We are USA based company looking for experienced web designers. We need to develop a Search Engine for Restaurants with Yelp API, including features of www.yelp.com, Google Maps API and Online Reservation Widget on each restaurant’s profile. Our approximate budget is up to 5000 USD will be paid via PayPal or wire transfer and 25 % will be paid as advance payment rest amount will be paid after completion of work. Interested companies are requested to contact with their profile as soon as possible.

Country : United States

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - Web Application to Manage Public Records

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 16027703

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Web Application to Manage Public Records

Estimated Budget : 300000 - 400000 USD


We are USA based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider for our requirement of development of Web based Application to manage public records. We want service provider to develop web based application to store public records like Death, Birth, Marriage and Divorce. Turn around time will be 1 year.
Scope of Service:
A) Service provider needs to provide web based application to store public records with features like Registration, Filing, Storage, Retrieval, Release, issuance of vital records, Concurrent collection, Editing, Reporting, and Release of vital statistics data of Public Records.
B) Service provider needs initially cover following online public records system into this application and should have facility to extend in future.
- Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS)
- Electronic Birth Registration System (EBRS)
- Electronic Marriage Registration System (EMRS)
- Electronic Divorce Registration System (EDVRS)
- Submission of Induced Termination of Pregnancy (ITOP) reports
- Submission of Fetal Death reports
- Creation of concurrent vital statistics data files and related statistical reports
- Customer Service

Our approximate budget is between 300000 - 400000 USD. Interested service providers are requested to contact us on or before 15:00 Hrs on August 13, 2009 via post, currier or hand delivery only. This tender is Global and Offsite. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings purpose.

Country : United States

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tips: jQuery UI Accordion Widget

Adding an interactive accordion widget to your ecommerce site can provide a great design feature that conveys professionalism and makes your content more readable.

There are plenty of instances in website design when we would like to have a lot of content on a page, but, unless you are creating articles or blog posts, too much text causes the pages to scroll, which makes the content less readable.

As an example, imagine that you have a product detail page with a product description, product image, 20 or more customer reviews, washing and care instructions, inventory availability, related products, and shipping options. That can be a lot of text on a page type (i.e. a contact page or even a product detail page) that does not usually scroll well. So how do you manage all of that copy?

One solution is to use what designers call an accordion, which simultaneously shows some bit of content while hiding other content. You can think of it as a vertical tab.

In this edition of "Web Design Tips," I am going to show you how to very quickly implement an accordion widget based on the jQuery library.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Web Design Project - Website Improvement Requirement

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 31347399

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Website Improvement Requirement

Estimated Budget : Upto 1000 USD

Description :

We are a Florida; USA based company looking for qualified web designers to put in their best efforts to help us in improving our website performance. We also want the selected expert to take care of the following things, Website optimization, Set up Shopping cart with credit card acceptance, Set up advertisement banner, create facebook and my space page. Our estimated budget is upto 1000 USD and will be paid via PayPal after the work is completed. Interested Web designers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profiles.

Country : United States

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - Call Center, Data Management and Website Development

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 19066613

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Call Center, Data Management and Website Development

Estimated Budget : Looking for Proposals


We are a Canada based organization looking for potential and experienced service provider for our Call Center, Data Management and Website development requirements. We are looking for a service provider who could manage our insurance related services through Call Center and can manage related data alongside. Initially the contract will be of 5 years.
Scope of Services:

  1. A personalized call center for Plan Participants
  2. Processing of enrollment, requests for changes and applications
  3. Data Integrity and Data management
  4. Integration of insurance data with systems and service providers internal and external to us.
  5. Communication with Plan Participants; and
  6. Development of specific website to allow membership on-line (self-serve) functionality, such as viewing of relevant plan, entitlement, and beneficiary information, making changes to their personal information, the on-line editing and printing of plan-related forms.
  7. Service provider needs to perform all work in Canada and all the data collected, maintained, or otherwise managed must not be exchanged, linked, or provided, electronically or otherwise, to any entity beyond Canadian borders.

We are looking for the best proposals and payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to contact us on or before 2:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Saving Time EDT) on August 18, 2009 via post, courier or hand delivery only. This tender is Onshore and Offsite.

Payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals on or before 14:00 Hrs on August 17, 2009 via courier and hand delivered only. This tender is Global and offsite. Providers may have to visit our locations for meetings and briefings purposes.

Country : Canada

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

When there are No More IP Addresses

CHENNAI: The ‘dotcom’ industry, which has evolved gracefully into an indispensable business channel in emerging economies after its boom and bust phase, may be at yet another cross roads at the start of this decade. The reason is that the unique IP addresses allotted to websites are peaking at a number of 4 billion globally, and at just 3 million in India. The IPV4 standard of addressing can accommodate only a finite number of IP addresse, which are estimated to be exhausted by 2011-12.

An IP (internet protocol) address, otherwise known as web address, is the unique identification number given to each web space allocated to a particular individual or corporation. The international standard of addressing for this is IPV4 (internet protocol version 4), which allows a finite number of addresses only.

Taking stock of the situation, an alternate system of addressing named IPV6 has been under development for over a decade now. This system is structured in such a way that it allows infinite number of URLs to be allocated. However, despite a clear indication of exhaustion of IP addresses under IPV4, IPV6 deployment remains below 1% globally and near zero in India.

In fact, Sify is the only web service provider which has converted to IPV6 in India, apart from research networks. “Web clients, servers and internet service providers (ISPs) will much rather look at deployment of alternate technologies to circumvent the addressing problem than attempt a complete overhaul of standards,” said Verisign India vice president Shekhar Kirani. “IPV6 deployment stands at a mere 0.45% in the US and 0.24% in China.”

Incidentally, China beat the United States in the amount of web traffic it attracts in Q1 of 2009-10, at 27.59% of global traffic, compared to US’ 22.15%. The growth in traffic YoY has been at 43% from 19.3% last year, whereas US’ has fallen by a marginal 7% from 22.85%.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Web Design Project - Web Designing and SEO requirement

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 10197713

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Web Designing and SEO requirement

Estimated Budget : upto 1000 USD

Description :

We are a UK based company looking for qualified Web Designers and SEO Experts for our Website redesigning and SEO work. We are looking for SEO experts to improve traffic on our website; we also want to redesign our website. We need a Landing page on one or two mast popular social bookmarking sites such as Facebook, Reddit Twitter with quality back links to our website. Links should be related to environmentally- friendly products and services, cleaning or carpet .Our estimated budget is upto 1000 USD and we are ready to pay 10 % advance and will be paid via PayPal. Interested Experts are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profiles.

Country : United Kingdom

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - Web Designing for Educational Organization

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 40053408

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Web Designing for Educational Organization

Estimated Budget : Looking for Proposals


We are Canada based education organization looking for qualified and experienced service providers for our requirement of Web Designing and Internet Marketing. Service provider needs to provide facilities like Manage Enrolments, Enhance the Student Experience, Grow or Create Strategic Partnerships, and Achieve Operational Excellence in Website. Turn around time is 9 months.

Scope of Service:

A) Authenticity: To provide messaging and information authentically that will be of most use to web visitors.
B) Student/User Centric: To focus on current and prospective students, parents, and community and deliver messages, information, and activities that are of most interest.
C) Call-to-action: To enhance messaging with a focus on call-to-actions.
Distinctness: To position College online as a distinct institution – standing apart from other post secondary institutions in the online environment.
D) Brand Awareness: To raise brand awareness by participating in online communities and advertising efforts.

Payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals on or before 14:00 Hrs on August 17, 2009 via courier and hand delivered only. This tender is Global and offsite. Providers may have to visit our locations for meetings and briefings purposes.

Country : Canada

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Google Reveals Web Design Tips

An expert from Google has revealed a series of design tips for maximising the chances of a website’s success.

When designing a website, the key aspect is to focus on the needs of the consumer, according to user experience researcher Ricardo Prada, writing for Google’s AdSense blog.

“Think about tasks on your website first and layouts second,” he stressed, meaning that a fancy layout is no good if it does not enhance the user experience.

Website owners should always bear in mind the “specific goals” of visitors to their site and “design to make those tasks quick and efficient”, Mr Prada added.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Web Design Project - Redesigning of Website

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 11291545

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Redesigning of Website

Estimated Budget : upto 1500 USD

Total Requirement : Website to be Redesigned in 45 Days

Description :

We are an India based company looking for qualified web developers for our Website development requirement. We want a website to be developed from scratch we have the script and will be providing that to the selected service provider. This will be an ongoing requirement as we want many other sites to be developed from scratch. Our estimated budget is upto 1500 USD and will be paid through PayPal after the work in completed. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profile.

Country : India

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - Redevelopment of CMS integrated Website

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 15390420

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Redevelopment of CMS integrated Website

Estimated Budget : Looking for Proposals


We are a New Zealand based authority, looking for an experienced service provider to meet our requirement of Redevelopment of our Website. The website is our primary method of communicating about our activities with the market, consumers and other key stakeholders. It also acts as an important archive of regulatory proceedings for industry companies and other interested parties. Our Current website has:

  1. approximately 14,000 documents (primarily in PDF format);
  2. Up to 25 documents per week are published (added to) the website;
  3. The website is currently accessed by between 2,000-4,000 website visitors per month;
  4. The website is a critical tool for industry companies to access and source information integral to their jobs.

We require a solution based on commercial CMS, which should include but shouldn’t be limited to the ability: to handle multiple publishing workflows and report on actions, to archive content, to provide comprehensive audit records (user/date/time), to define different roles to individual users, to mange page/content expiry dates and report on actions. Our objective is to have the new website operative by late November 2009.

Scope of work:

  1. A single and useful communication channel for the industry market - how it works, who is involved, rules, regulations and market information;
  2. Easily understood information on what our role is within the market and the way that it works to achieve its objectives;
  3. Complete, authoritative, up to date, trusted, relevant, timely and easily accessible information on our key activities;
  4. A helpful user experience that facilitates the needs of key stakeholders to find the information they are looking for; and
  5. Information that is consistently accurate, professionally presented and that meets the needs of our key stakeholders.

Payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to send their proposal on or before 27th July, 2009 at 4 pm via post, courier or hand delivered only. This tender is global and offsite. Last date for questions regarding the RFP is 17th July, 2009. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings.

Country : New Zealand

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Annoying Website Design

Have you ever considered that your website may be annoying? When it’s comes to website design, knowing what visitors hate most is a must, unless you don’t want them to visit you again. This article describes what you should exclude from your website. If you know about an annoying website, feel free to send this article to its webmaster.

A few weeks ago I received an email from a colleague asking me to check one of the website he had developed. He is a web designer and his client wanted a nice attractive flash header. The flash header was great. You can’t miss it at all. Some nice graphics elements were flying in while sound effects created just the right atmosphere. However, after starting to explore the website, the header became very annoying because every time you clicked on the website the header restarted. What was pleasant initially became very annoying very quickly, disturbing your concentration and making it difficult to read what was on the page.

He is not the first to create what I like to call – "annoying website design". Many webmasters, especially new webmasters are totally “in love” with their ideas and tend to go overboard with their design in one way or another. It’s nice to have an attractive header, but is it really necessary to assault the visitor’s mind with it? In my opinion, absolutely not!

Webmasters sometimes forget that their website design should send a message to the visitor that should reflect the website topic and not the programmer’s skill level.

Is Your Website Design Annoying?

Well…. It’s not that hard to be annoying. However, some webmasters are much better than others at annoying their visitors. Check my top 5 list and decide for yourself whether you have been annoying your visitors.

  1. Background music – Unless you are operating an online internet radio station or sell music CDs, why play a midi/wav file in the background continuously on every page?
  2. Huge font size – If you are designing a website for people with a disability then you are doing the right thing, but if not then you are shouting. People don’t like it when someone shouts at them.
  3. Small font size – Do you want to be heard? Keep a normal tone, don’t shout but "speak" in a reasonable volume.
  4. Overlapping layers – Layers can be very useful up to the point. But not when they are being used to put an annoying message in the visitor’s face. Don’t try to force your visitor to read your messages. Try persuasion instead of brute force.
  5. Popup windows – Even though popup windows are now blocked by many add on tools, webmasters keep using them. The annoying part of popups is sometimes we actually miss important information because of those anti popup tools. Haven't you heard the old phrase "if you can’t beat him, join him”? Don’t use pop up windows. Put your important messages in a central place on your website.
Most likely each one of us has our own private top five lists. You probably have many more annoying design cases in mind. Well, you’re right, the list is much longer then that. I just wanted to describe some of the highlights in order to bring this important subject your attention.

Some of you are probably reading those lines and smiling while some others have a feeling a deja-vu. Keep in your mind that as a webmaster the last thing you want to do is put lots of effort into your website and then find out that your visitors hate it. It's not a matter of taste, it's more about being the same polite person we all try to be when we go to a party.

I tried to point out a few things that might be useful to some web designers and webmasters. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to send this article to my friend, hopefully he’ll send it to his client :)

About the Author:
Warren Baker is an Internet business consultant for WebDesigners123.
WebDesigners123 connects the Web Designers with Webmasters who need their services.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Web Design Project - CMS Based Website development

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 17866825

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : CMS Based Website development

Estimated Budget : Upto 2000 USD

Description :

We are USA based company looking for service provider to develop website. We need to develop website with content management system that allows regular and easy updating of titles with ISBN, summary, various prices, pdf download, payment scheme via credit card, table of contents and sample pages views. We need special page with information and Bio of our officer with photos. Newsletters subscription area (refer site www.marketresearch.com and researchandmarkets.com) Our approximate budget is upto 2000 USD. We will pay via PayPal after completion of project. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profiles.

Country : United States

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - Website Design and Development

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 73351604

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Website Design and Development

Estimated Budget : 160000 - 240000 GBP

Total Requirement : Contract of for 36 months with an option to extend for 24 months


We are UK based Organization looking for experience and qualified companies for our website development requirement, we require a supplier to create a website for the HCA. The website will integrate existing websites, tools and data stores to create an easily accessible knowledge hub. The site's design and navigation will be based on users' needs. This will be a contract of for 36 months with an option to extend for 24 months.
Scope of work:

  1. Creation of a 'hub' website for the Academy
  2. User requirement report;
  3. Full technical specification
  4. Creation of a prototype
  5. Final testing and delivery of website
  6. Integration of existing sites
  7. Maintenance and ongoing development
  8. The site must be capable of supporting over 150000 visitors annually

Interested service providers are requested to contact with PQQ (Pre Question Qualifier) latest by 27th July 2009 by 17.00 Hrs via courier or hand delivery. Our budget is between 160000 and 240000 GBP. Last date to apply for PQQ is 20th July 2009. This is a Global and Offsite work.

Country : United Kingdom

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Usable Mobile Web Design- Getting It Right

As the Internet ages, the frequency and types of interaction we have with it continue to develop. One rapid growth area is mobile computing, driven by an increase in low-cost and high-powered mobile technologies. Developing a winning formula for mobile web sites requires a new approach. So how can businesses design usable and accessible mobile web sites?

The Environment

When people use the Internet on a computer or laptop, the outside world tends to disappear - as they get sucked into the large screen. But mobile web is a different story People use their mobile phones in environments that are filled with distractions: walking down the street, or waiting for a bus, for example. In busy environments, complex web sites fail. People need to finish using the site before they walk into the next lamp post. Short, tightly focussed interactions win.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Web Design Project - Web Designing and Development Project

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 75371941

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Web Designing and Development Project

Estimated Budget : Up to 3500 USD

Description :

We are UK based company looking for service provider for our Web Designing requirement. We are looking for website similar to www.vistaprint.com and www.spreadshirt.com .Service provider need to design ordering system that will allow users to Logon and design their own flyers and posters etc by either using our online design interface or by uploading their own artwork Examples of other sites which offer a similar service to www.vistaprint.com (Check attachment for more details) .Our approximate budget is 3500 USD and will make a payment after completion of the work via PayPal. Interested web designer are requested to contact us during UK time Zone as soon as possible with their profile.

Country : United Kingdom

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - CMS based Website for Leading Eyewear Company

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 58356321

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : CMS based Website for Leading Eyewear Company

Estimated Budget : Looking for proposals


We are USA based company looking for qualified and experienced service provider for our Website Redesigning Requirement. We are one of the leading Eyewear Company looking for redesigning our two websites to enhance our corporate identity.

Scope of Service:
A) Service provider needs to create a attractive, corporate, user-friendly, flexible, safe and secure, quick to load and informative web site structure that is easy to maintain.
B) Website should be user-friendly that can deliver large amounts of constantly changing information to our customers.
C) Website must be web based content management system based that allows us to update content easily.
D) Service provider needs to provide online appointment scheduling system that offers customer data collection, tracking and options for customer communication.

We are looking for the best proposal and payment terms are negotiable. Interested service provider are requested to contact us on or before 17:00 Hrs EST on July 24, 2009 via e-mail, post, currier or hand delivery only. This tender is Global and offsite. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings.

Country : United States

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Could Firefox 3.5 Spark a Web Design Boom?

One feature of Firefox's new version allows the browser to display any font. Here's how good-looking the results can be.

Mozilla recently released version 3.5 of its browser, Firefox, and it contained one tiny feature that could be a huge boon for web design: The ability to display any font, thanks to "@font-face," which allows designers to store fonts on their own servers, and reference them on their web pages. Designers Ian Lynam and Craig Mod have just posted a primer on the new feature, which shows just how much is possible. (A screencap of the primer is pictured above.)

If you have Firefox 3.0 but not 3.5, update now to see how dramatic the page looks, before and after. Previously, web designers who couldn't bear the thought of compromising on their type have relied on Flash or Javascript--which are, of course, clunky and annoying. @font-face is miles more elegant.

Safari has offered @font-face linking ever since version 3.1; Opera, meanwhile, has announced that the protocol will be supported in its next version. Internet Explorer, of course, is waaaaaay behind.

If you're interested in a longer, more detailed discussion of @font-face, check out this post on Mozilla Hacks.

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Web Design Project - Java & PHP Requirement

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

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Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 28593429

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Java & PHP Requirement

Estimated Budget : Up to 500 USD

Description :

We are an India based company looking for qualified experts for our Java script and PHP script. We are looking for such experts who have past experience in java and php,and who can help us in our current requirements. Our estimated budget is upto 500 USD and will be paid through PayPal after the work is completed. Interested experts are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profiles.

Country : India

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - CMS based Website Development and Hosting

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 17469398

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : CMS based Website Development and Hosting

Estimated Budget : Looking for proposals

Total Requirement : 3 Years Contract


We are India based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider (From India Only) for our requirement of Website Development and Hosting. Contract will be for three years.
Scope of Service:

  1. The website will have bilingual option English and Hindi. Therefore both English and Hindi pages are to be developed.
  2. Administrative login Module
  3. Dynamic Home page with graphics, flash etc.
  4. Front-end (PHP) Back-end MySQL database
  5. Portal Content Management
  6. About ASRB (Main activities, Quality policy, Organization, Chairman’s Message, Accomplishment etc.)
  7. News and Events
  8. Tender management
  9. Downloads (Application Forms, Score Cards in PDF/Word)
  10. Feedback
  11. Recruitment Management Module
  12. Online Submission of applications & candidate receive unique number.
  13. Before examination ASRB send admit card (soft copy) on Candidate’s Email id
  14. Candidate can also search examination centre with his unique number.
  15. Search facility
  16. FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) Facility

We are looking for the best proposals and payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to contact us on or before July 28, 2009 via post, currier or hand delivery only. Cost of Tender document is 500 INR only. EMD (refundable) is required of 5000 INR. This tender is onshore and offsite. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings.

Country : India

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tips: Mobilizing Your Site Using CSS

With a second style sheet and minor changes to a page's HTML, many online stores can offer an excellent mobile shopping experience without creating a second web page or registering a mobile specific domain.

Mobile Internet use is on the rise. And online merchants presumably want to provide customers with the best possible shopping experience. It is for these reasons that many leading ecommerce sites have begun to offer either mobile specific pages (typically a subdomain) or mobile specific styles.

In this "Web Design Tips," I am going to make some suggestions about whether you should build a separate, mobile specific website, and provide a quick example of how you might transform your CSS to create a more mobile-friendly version of your current page.
Should You Build a Separate Mobile Site?

The answer can be either yes or no. Personally, I believe that mobile Internet devices and mobile handsets will soon be as capable of rendering web pages as well as laptops and desktops do now, so that registering a .mobi domain or even building a separate site could be a waste of time.

A better solution might be to redesign your current site so that it is easy to render on multiple platforms. In fact, developing websites that easily migrate among platforms (mobile, desktop, RSS, or more) was the one of the main reasons that CSS was created. Good website design will largely separate content from layout and appearance.

If you do decide that the best way to serve mobile customers is with a mobile-specific site, I will encourage you to use a subdomain rather than a .mobi domain. For example the URL might be http://m.yoursite.com rather than http://yoursite.mobi.

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Web Design Project - Designing of Social Networking Website

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 53536294

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Designing of Social Networking Website.

Estimated Budget : Up to 500 USD

Description :

We are India based company looking for web Developers to design & Develop a Social Networking website with following features in visual studio A) User can register on site B)User can add or invite friends C)User can add blog on the site (rest details we would like to discuss with selected service providers) Our approximate budget for this project is upto 500 USD and we are ready to pay 10% as advance payment and rest amount will be paid according the progress of the website via bank transfer .Interested service provider are requested to contact us during 10 am to 6 pm of IST time as soon as possible with their profile.

Country : India

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - Web Based (CMS) Application

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 20075344

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Web Based (CMS) Application

Estimated Budget : Looking for proposals

Total Requirement : 3 Years Contract


We are New Delhi; India based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider for our requirement of Web based Application Development. This application needs to be designer for students for their prospected Employment, Exams and Training. Contract will be for 3 years.

Scope of Service:
A) This application is designed to improve the employable skills to current students of India. We want to test the skills of students and employees with the help of this software on different levels like foundation levers and up-graduations.
B) Service provider needs to design online courses as per our instructions. Users should be able to register, access them and give online exams and view their score. We should be able to view registered users, application received for training and other information.
C) Application should have admin back-end to control whole application. We should be able to design and change course work and other necessary from admin back-end. Application should be designed as Content Management System.
D) Service provider needs to initially provide data entry service for 200000 (2 Lac) students into application. This should be completed within 3 months.
E) Service provider needs to take necessary back-ups of application on regular intervals.

We are looking for the best proposals and payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to contact us on or before 15:00 Hrs on July 20, 2009 via post, courier or hand delivery only. EMD (Refundable) is required of 1000000 INR. This tender is Global and offsite. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings.

Country : India

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Microsoft Internet Explorer 8: Is Your Site Ready?

State and local governments vexed by the relentless need to continually design their Web sites for multiple browsers have a new challenge: the recent release of Internet Explorer (IE) 8, which is expected to cause even more problems.

Apparently IE's rollout "may cause content written for previous versions of Internet Explorer to display differently than intended," according Nick MacKechnie, a senior technical account manager for Microsoft.
Granted, the impending havoc, which began in May with IE 8's official release, probably would've been even worse in the heyday of IE, when the browser was pretty much the only game in town.

But even without complete market dominance, the changeover is expected to have a major impact. More than two-thirds (68 percent) of all PCs still use IE as of December 2008, according to a study by market watcher Net Applications.

And while rival browsers are gaining steadily, they're still very far back in the pack. Firefox, Microsoft's primary challenger, still only has a 21 percent market share, according to the study. And Mac's Safari browser clocks in at less than 8 percent. Meanwhile, Google's much-touted Chrome browser barely makes a blip, with just 1 percent of the market share.

Fending off Microsoft

As with many upgrades instituted by Microsoft, most governments may not be able to "defend" against this latest version of IE because the new browser is being distributed by Microsoft as an automatic update. Essentially one day you'll have IE 7 on your machine, and the next morning you may walk in to find the new IE 8 interface staring back at you - like it or not.

Ironically the anticipated problems with IE 8 are the result of fundamental shift at Microsoft: a decision, for the first time, to adhere to Web design standards set by the Web design community at large, rather than a stance of trying to force designers to accept IE as the de facto global standard.

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Web Design Project - Website Usability Test Requirement

Looking to work on Web design Project? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 16286319

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Website Usability Test Requirement

Estimated Budget : upto 200 USD

Description :

We are an UK based company looking for experience service providers for our website usability test requirement. We are looking for experienced web designers who can run a usability test in our current website. The selected service providers need to show us the results of the website as: the improvements or changes we need to do in our website usability. We would like to have the test done with 5 active users. Our estimated budget for this project is upto 200 USD and will be paid through PayPal after the work is completed. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profiles.

Country : United Kingdom

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Web Design Tender - Website Development for Communication Company

Looking to work on Web design Tender? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 18673379

Category : Web Design and Development

Title : Website Development for Communication Company

Estimated Budget : Looking for proposals


We are a USA based communication company looking for service provider for our Website Redesigning Requirement. We specialize as a communications consultancy, and are looking for redesigning a consumer focused website which should be easy to navigate and can direct current and potential clients.

Scope of Work:

The final design of this project should reflect three key guiding principles:
A) Stand Out Simple – The final site should be intuitive, easy to use, and easy to manage.
B) Process is King – The website will be a forum for our basic information as a firm, but also for selling our tools. We need a clear, simple process/logic behind the site that is evident in how it is programmed and experienced by the end user.
C) Exposure – The site, and the materials/tool found there, should be easily searchable to users (meta tags, SEO, etc.)
We are looking for the best proposal and payment terms are negotiable. Interested service provider are requested to contact us on or before 17:00 Hrs on July 31, 2009 via post, courier or hand delivery only. This tender is Global and offsite. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings.

Country : United States

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Outsource Professional Web Design and Development Services

Find Technology Driven Web Developers within your region! .NET, PHP, JAVA, Drupal, Ajax Experts. Save up to 40% to 60% on web Design and Development.

ITMatchOnline outsourcing professional web design and development services which offers affordable website design, web application development, ecommerce online shopping systems.

ITMatchOnline has got an array of outsourcing website design service providers who can develop websites in E-Commerce Products Web Design, Flash Web Design, Pharmaceuticals Website Design, Ecommerce Web Design, Embassy & Consulates Web Design, Fashion Industry Web Design, Telecom Web Design, Foods & Hotels Website Designing, Manufacturers Web Design, Trading website Design, Online printing Web Design and many more based on requirements of clients.

Greatest strength of these outsourcing professional service providers in web design is in their high quality visualization interface design for the web. ITMatchOnline have several highly qualified graphic designers with years of experience developing website interfaces. These service providers hold expertise in using latest tools like create your exclusive designs. They also ensure that their designs represent client's business area perfectly and look compelling to the targeted audience as well.

Some of the main Services Includes:

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The entire Web Development cycle employed by ITMatchOnline listed Outsourcing Professional Website Development Service Providers includes the following steps:

  • Detailed study to know the actual requirement of the customer and how it can be accomplished
  • Conceptualization of design and what all technologies are to be undertaken.
  • Classification of the entire process of website making with respect to time period.
  • Designing the techniques of what all features are to be included and what all techniques are to be utilized for same are finalized.
  • After a design has been finalized comes the process of programming. At this level features like Login and Shopping cart are inculcated.
  • After implementation, comes the testing phase. In this the product is tested for its error free working and efficiency.
  • The process of web development comes to an end at the stage of maintenance and post implementation. In this the aftermath is taken care of.
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Getting your website designed from these Outsourcing Website Designing service providers will result into realistic cost saving, quality product delivery, technical excellence, maximum time benefit, exposure to new markets and renewed focus on company strategic plans.

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Post Web Design and Development Projects free at projects@itmatchonline.com and Certified Web Developers contact you directly.

Source: http://www.prlog.org/